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摘  要:本次设计的内容是北京市某综合楼空调系统设计,该建筑高约20.0米,是一座集教室、会议室、客房与多功能厅为一体的综合性建筑物。




关键词:空调系统  冷负荷  水力计算  全新风系统  独立新风系统  风机盘管


Abstract:The content of the design is the design of central air-conditioning system for a complex building of Beijing, the height of this building is about 20.0meters, which is a complex building of classroom conference room, guest room and multi-function hall. 

   The total building area is 5896.8㎡, and the air-conditioning area is 5756.4㎡。Condole supports are made for rooms and corridors. The first layer of the condole is top down for 3.0m, and the second layer is also 3.0m.Whthin the corridors is 2.8m to next clear ceiling, three to five layer within the corridors is 2.6m. The clear height within the sixth floor, which is used as multi-functional hall, is 2.8m. The heat transfer coefficient of condole supporters is  0.9kcal/℃。 

   First, as the common method, the cooling load and damp load are calculated by CLC method. As consideration the building structure and its usage, the scheme of air-conditioning system of this building have two, which is fan coil unit with and without additional individual fresh air unit, and smoke-expelling system for such large space as hall. Then, the fan coil, air-conditioning units of fresh air, water-cooling units is selected. The hydraulic calculation of the air and water system, the measure of sound deadens, liberation suppression, thermal protection, fire defense, smock evolvement and regulation scheme is done. Finally, the summary of the design are made The design before graduate which train the basic theory and professional knowledge of us and let us to gain the power to analyze actual problem is a great part of the teaching plan. Though this design we get the basic training of the engineering and scientific research. In deepening basic specialized knowledge and understanding and comprehension ability, hands ability to solve practical problems are enhanced and exercised. 

Keywords:  Air-conditioning system Cooling load Hydraulic calculation smoke-expelling system Additional fresh air system fan coil