摘要:营运资金的管理影响着企业能否持续健康的发展,它一直是企业普遍关注的问题。本文在国内外研究成果的基础上,分析了营运资金管理的内涵和特征,认为营运资金具有周转快、变现能力强、形态波动频繁、来源广四个主要特征。营运资金管理的目标是保持适当的偿债能力,不断提高盈利能力。以红豆股份为例,通过与森马服饰进行对比分析,对红豆股份的流动资产占有率分析、流动资产结构及变动分析、流动负债占有率分析、流动负债结构及变动分析得出红豆股份营运资金构成不合理,通过对流动比率分析、速动比率分析、现金比率分析得出红豆股份短期偿债能力差。通过对红豆股份应收账款周转情况分析、存货周转情况分析、现金周转情况分析、营运资金占销售收入比重分析、 营运资金周转期分析、营运资金生产率分析得出红豆股份营运资金使用效率低。最后通过完善营运资金管理制度和技术,确定现金最佳持有量、完善应收账款管理制度、加强存货的管理加强流动负债的管理来优化营运资金的管理。
关键词 营运资金;存货;应收账款;流动负债
Abstract:It's common for enterprises to consider whether working capital management could affect sustainable development or not? This paper is based on some domestic and international literature review to ensure that four main features of working capital are quickly turnover, strong cashability, frequent fluctuations and widely source forms through analysing connotation and characteristics of working capital management.The purpose of working capital management is to maintain a reasonable liquidity for improving profitability. Taking Hongdou Industrial Co.Ltd as an example, after a comparison with Semir Clothing, the working capital structure is not reasonable through analysing stock liquidity share, liquid assets structure and change, current liabilities share, current liabilities structure and change.In addition, the ability of Hongdou to pay for short-term debt is negative by analysing liquidity ratio, Acid-test Ratio and cash ratio. And then the low efficiency on the usage of working capital is because of considering the accounts receivable turnover, inventory turnover situation, cash flow, the sales income proportion of working capital analysis, working capital turnover period and the productivity of working capital. Finally, the usage of improve working capital management system and technology to to determine the optimal money holding capacity, improve the management of accounts receivable system, strengthen inventory management to improve the current liabilities management for optimizing the management of working capital.
Keywords Working capital Inventory Accounts receivable Current liabilities