摘要:伴随国际金融环境和国内市场环境的日益复杂多变,企业的财务危机也愈来愈受到重视. 如果企业不能卓有成效地规避风险,危机便会在企业内部机体滋生蔓延。而首当其冲的是企业资金运动的中枢——财务系统,财务状况的逐步恶化将引发财务危机,当危机扩散到企业无法承受的限度时,企业全面危机则一触即发,严重导致企业破产。在亚洲金融风暴中,日本、韩国、马来西亚等国的大企业频频覆没,不是没有管理,而是没有对财务风险保持高度的警惕。因此,企业设置良好的财务危机防范机制,有利于发现潜在的问题,避免日后财务危机对企业造成的巨大损失.
Abstract:With international financial environment and the domestic market environment and the increasingly complex and changeable, enterprise's financial crisis also more and more attention paid to. If the enterprise can efficiently avoid risk, crisis will in the enterprise internal breed and spread. And as the first enterprise capital movement--the central financial systems, and the financial situation gradually worse will trigger a financial crisis, when the crisis spread to enterprise could not afford the limit, is a comprehensive enterprise crisis looming, serious lead to bankruptcy. In the Asian financial crisis, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia and other countries of the big enterprise frequently destroyed, and not without management, but no financial risk to maintain a high level of alert. Therefore, the enterprise set up good financial crisis prevention mechanism, to find a potential problem and avoid subsequent financial crisis caused great loss to the enterprise.
This article, from the financial crisis to reason and corresponding countermeasures based on the theoretical basis of the main use Z-score model of the financial position of the company made the analysis, in conjunction with the relevant case analysis, and put forward the countermeasures to this crisis.
Key words:Financial crisis, cause analysis, the countermeasures