然而在中国市场,风险投资基金还处于初级发展阶段,很多企业对其真正的运作与管理还不甚了解,中国市场的大体投资环境也不是非常有利,发展不完善 ,体质也还存在很多不健全的地方。
关键词:风险投资基金 管理模式 流程
Abstract:With the prosperity of the venture capital market development, risk investment fund was also the company's attention, and many of the new enterprise will risk investment funds as an important means of financing.
However, in the Chinese market, risk investment fund is still at the primary stage of development, a lot of enterprises to its real operation and management is not well understood, the Chinese market in the investment environment is not very good, development not perfect, the constitution also has many not perfect place.
This paper first Outlines risk investment fund management process, the main and careful analysis to the risk management process and the relative important features several key link, and then through the developed countries of the United States with relatively than to perfect the system, analyzes the existing problems and defects, and finally put forward in view of China's venture capital fund management directions comments and Suggestions.
Key Words:venture capital investment fund management mode Management Process k management