关键词: 应收账款风险;风险防范;信用体系
Abstract:Modern society is the era of the credit economy, Gome electrical appliance enterprises have their own special nature of the industry. In order to attract more customers ,expand sales and increase profits, they are used in clearing the way credit, the credit sale. Enhance the market competitiveness of enterprises, an important issue to prevent financial risks.
In this paper, through the analysis of the account receivable risk prevention methods, find the right method to strengthen the account receivable turnover rate, determine how to strengthen risk management of receivables, reduce bad debt. Both increase the flow of money, but also can expand the business, increase in Gome appliance industry in the comprehensive competitiveness. From the reality of Gome, Gome status of accounts receivable, setting out a set of adaptation of Gome in accounts receivable management method, establish enterprise credit system, risk prevention.
Key words: Accounts receivable risk; Appliance industry; Risk identification