关键词: 会计电算化,效益,应用,评价
Abstract:The accountancy is machine-readable to turn is the modern society greatly produces with new technique revolution of inevitable outcome, it not only is a traditional accountancy data processing means of change, and also produced revolution influence to accountancy's theories and accountancy's real object. Pass analysis accountancy machine-readable turn of application and performance evaluation, can make sure an accountancy the COBOL turn whether the performance that the system bring can compensate the resources throw in or not, avoid a not reasonable of the project pay a design implement and result in to waste; How carry out information product and information to serve necessary function with the lowest economic price, make the information organization and customers all acquire the biggest economic performance; Contributing to the information organization, information system is to the whole information industry practice a valid management, solve how to assign the limited resources to each aspect and make its person exert it just, thing exert it use, can also pass to carry out cost management, equipments and material management etc. to the information organization and the information, make the factor reasonable of everyone's noodles install and output the biggest economic performance.
Key word: The accountancy is machine-readable to turn, performance, application, evaluation