关键词: 会计准则;趋同;问题;对策
Abstract:Since twenty-first Century, the step of economic globalization is getting faster and faster, international investment and financing, international trade developed rapidly. And the same time, communication, network, and other state-of-the-art technology combined the global economy into a same market.
The establishment of enterprise accounting system is the need of adopt economic development and perfect market economic system, maintain social public interests, strengthen the government on market supervision.
The new accounting standard of China in 2006, responsive to the development requirements of the world, it signifies that China's accounting standards and international accounting standards conformed in the content and the standards. However, the new guidelines in 2007, bring a lot of problems, it reflects the obstacle of China's accounting standards. How to clear these obstacles, and achieve truly substantial convergence is that we must study the realistic problems. Therefore, the research on the problems of international convergence will bring some help, and it will have a great influence to the economy development.
Key Words:Accounting standards;Convergence; Problems; Countermeasures