会计工作从微观角度看是市场经济微观主体--企业在投融资,企业购并、企业上市等经济活动中,通过会计这门商业语言的展示,给投资者,债权人、政府管理部门、潜在受众一个认识和解读企业发展的工具。会计法律责任主要是指编造和提供虚假会计信息或称会计造假的责任。它是会计行为主体必须严守的底线,是法制与道德规范内在联系性的统一体。 不少单位及工作人员,尤其是会计人员在会计法律责任的认识上存在不少误区,以致于在处理会计事务过程中缺乏应有的责任意识,工作偏差、错漏现象较多。改进会计法律责任的认识,明确会计法律责任的承担,对于会计信息质量的提高有很大的裨益。
Abstract:A new enterprise system, an inevitable requirement for the establishment of its adapting ideas and methods of accounting systems; the other hand, the development of accounting theory itself a new enterprise system will also promote the establishment and improvement. With the gradual perfection of the modern enterprise system and the further development of market economy, great changes have taken place in accounting work, expanding the scope of accounting, business processes are becoming increasingly complex, investors, creditors and the public disclosure of accounting information such as aging , scope and quality have become increasingly demanding. Modern enterprise system, how to strengthen accounting oversight has become the focus of lively discussion on the accounting profession. Article on the status of the accounting oversight and supervision of the modern enterprise system and the relationship between accounting are described, explained to strengthen accounting oversight and the importance, highlighted the modern enterprise system to strengthen accounting oversight measures.
Keywords: New Enterprise System ,Status, Relations Strategies