Abstract:Survival and development of the retail consumer, entrepreneurs, academics and Government have always paid attention to the issue. Wave the wave of globalization and information technology, in particular when high waves, changes in the retail industry in recent years one of the industry's fastest, most angry, became an important part of the economy, but also one of the important factors in promoting the economic development of a country, the aim of which is to examine the topic. On the select start with the most important reports, through the use of debt-servicing capacity, operational capacity, profitability, cash flow analysis, analysis of four common methods of indicators to analyse three commonly used reports, combined with company description company cases one by one, and point out some of the limitations in the report, and proposed solutions.
Key Words:Retailing Companies;Financial Statements Analysis;Gome
通过分析比较各种财务报表能集中反映企业资金状况、财务收支和财务成果等重要的会计信息,了解该单位经济活动中所取得的成绩和存在的问题,进行有效的经营决策,全面的深刻地认识一个单位的经济活动和财务收支情况,正确评价经营成果,明确问题和原因所在,促使该单位制定出有效的改进措施,提高管理水平,促进生产经营正常发展。 所以,当前研究零售业的财务报表分析不仅能够更好的发展我国的企业经济运作,带动整个市场的蓬勃发展,同时也可间接缓解日渐紧张的就业情况。因此,这一研究课题是极为重要的,应当受到重视。