摘要:我国财政部于2008年1月1日起施行的《中华人民共和国企业所得税法实施条例》系统、全面地对企业所得税会计问题进行了规范, 并对有关会计科目和会计报表内容加以调整,我国所得税会计处理在所得税会计核算工作中引入了这一新概念,采用了资产负债表债务法,要求企业从资产负债表出发,通过比较资产负债表上列示的资产、负债按照会计准则规定确定的账面价值与按照税法规定确定的计税基础,对于两者之间的差异分应纳税暂时性差异与可抵扣暂时性差异,确认相关的递延所得税负债与递延所得税资产,并在此基础上确定每一会计期间利润表上的所得税费用,以此实现与国际所得税处理的一致。
关键词: 所得税,所得税会计,会计处理,资产负债表债务法
Abstract:Our country Ministry of Finance got up in January 1, 2008 executes "the People's Republic of China Enterprise Obtained Tax law Implementation Rule" the system, the question has comprehensively carried on the standard to enterprise income tax accountant, and the subject and accountant the report form content adjusted to concerned accountant, our country income tax accountant processed in the income tax accounting work has introduced this new concept, used the property debt table debt law, the request enterprise has manifested from the property debt sends, showed the property, the debt through the comparison property debt table upper row according to accountant the criterion stipulation definite book value with according to the tax law stipulation definite idea tax foundation, should pay taxes the temporary difference regarding both between difference minute with to be possible to arrive Buckles the temporary difference, confirmed related hands over extends the income tax debt with to hand over extends the income tax property, and determines each accountant in this foundation period profit table turban income tax expense, by this realization with international income tax processing consistency.
Key Words:Income tax, income tax accountant, income tax accountant processes, property debt table debt law