关键词: 科华鼎公司;会计信息失真;现状;原因;对策
Abstract:By 2011, Small and medium-sized enterprise have been more than 4660 million, accounting for 99.6% of the total number of enterprises in the national industrial output value and profits and taxes were 60% and 40%, providing about 75% of employment opportunities, and therefore the national economy important component of economic development and stability plays an important role in promoting.
However, a large number of distortion of accounting information exists, which has given many companies the decision-making, development of the national economy have a severe negative impact. J as the United States the famous "Enron", "Xerox case" as well as China's "Silver Guangsha events", "red light incident" and so on. Serious distortion of accounting information from the rules of market economy, not only seriously reduce the usefulness of accounting information in decision-making, against the majority of the interests of investors and creditors to enable the public to cast doubt on the basis of accounting integrity, but also fundamentally influence the market economy based on credit, weaken and distort the capital market fund raising and resource allocation function of the normal operation of macro-economic harm. Therefore, how to solve the problem of small and medium-sized distortion of accounting information has become an urgent problem. This Article deal with the corporation of KeHuaDing.
Key Words:KeHuaDing Enterprise; Distortion of accounting information; Existing condition; Hazards;Countermeasures