Abstract:In China,99% of small and medium enterprises of our country's contribution to GDP is more than 60%, which revenue more than 50%, but also created a 70% import and export trade,and 80% of urban jobs, 66% of the invention patents, 82% of new product development. small and medium enterprises play a more important role in economic and social development.
Small and medium enterprises are an important part of our national economy, economic prosperity and meet the needs of the community, promotion of employment, maintaining social harmony and stability development plays an irreplaceable role. However, small and medium enterprises, "the shortage of funds, financing difficulties" still at this stage to hinder the key problems of SMEs in China "bigger, good, and stronger". With the continuing impact of the international financial crisis in 2008, the difficult problem of financing for SMEs become more prominent. This paper describes the status of the financing environment for SMEs in China and why, and through analysis of the financing channels and means to find a strategy to solve the current problems.
Key Words:Small and Medium Enterprises;financing;channels;medium