摘 要:2012年以来,机械制造业的应收账款总额在上半年就累计达2.49万亿元,比去年同期增加3671亿元,表明目前机械制造业应注重应收账款质量。本文选取46家通用设备制造业企业2010到2012年的应收账款作为研究样本,研究结果显示,本文根据46家通用设备制造业上市公司在2010年—2012年年报数据的统计结果,运用应收账款质量的指标,分析了通用设备制造业应收账款质量的现状,进行相关影响因素的实证分析,并就其出现的问题进行分析,提出相应的解决方法。总体来说通用设备制造业上市公司在2010年—2012年应收账款规模逐年上升,同时应收账款中高龄账款规模较大,而且款项收回速度逐年降低。应收账款占主营业务收入从27.31%到37.11%,应收账款占流动资产比重从21.72%到25.94%,说明应收账款规模在逐年扩大。就应收账款账龄分析,三年账龄变化稳定。就应收账款的回收速度,样本公司3年的应收账款周转率从15.33次到5.63次,处于持续下降的状态。文章进一步分析,应收账款与宏观经济环境呈显著的正相关关系,与企业主营业务盈利质量也呈正相关关系。对应收账款中出现的问题,本文提出通过提高企业的竞争力,控制赊销规模,考虑宏观经济因素及提高企业应收款项的回收能力来改善企业的应收账款质量现状。
ABSTRACT:In the year of 2012, the total amount of accounts receivable of mechanical equipment manufacturing industry has accumulated to 2,490 billion, 367.1 billion more than that in 2011, which indicates the mechanical equipment manufacturing industry should pay more attention to the quality of accounts receivable. This essay takes the data from 46 ordinary mechanical equipment manufacturing enterprises from 2010 to 2012 as its samples. And the result shows that the percentage of accounts receivable in prime operating revenue increased from 27.31% to 37.11%, and the percentage of accounts receivable in accrued assets increased from 21.72% to 25.94%, which indicates the scale of the accounts receivable is expanded in recent years. As to the aging of the accounts receivable, the data remained stable in these three years. As to the recovery rate, the turnover rate of the sample enterprises dropped from 15.33 times to 5.63 times in these three years. With a further research, the result shows there is a positive correlation between the quality of the accounts receivable and macro-economy, and there is also a positive correlation between turnover ratios of the accounts receivable and quality of the prime operating revenue. As to the problems, this essay put forward some solutions to improve the quality of accounts receivable, such as improving the competitiveness of enterprises, controlling the sales scale on credit, considering the macro-economy factors and improving the recovery ability of accounts receivable.
Key words: Quality of accounts receivable, Ordinary mechanical equipment manufacturing,Turnover ratio of the accounts receivable