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  • 更新时间:2014-07-07
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  • 课题来源:(飞舞的丝带)提供原创文章


摘  要:投资性房地产是国际会计准则(IASB)最早将公允价值计量模式运用于非金融资产的项目之一,也是国际会计准则与美国会计准则(FASB)的一个重大分歧所在,所以公允价值计量模式在我国投资行房地产行业的运用与其所带来的影响,也备受社会各界的关注。


关键词:公允价值  历史成本  计量模式  投资性房地产


Abstract:At the very beginning, fair value measurement mode was applied to investment real estate, an non-financial assest by International Accounting Standard Board(IASB). At this point is the most fateful divarication between International Accounting Standard Board(IASB) and the United States accounting standards Board(FASB) as well. In China, every part of society all pay attention close to the effection of fair value measurement mode been used in our investment real estate industry.

  In my thesis, base on introduction the correlation between fair value measurement and Investment real estate, expatiate how we used fair value measurement in investment real  estate currently and existing problems; analyse the similarities and differences between the  historical cost measurement and the fair value measurement; compare the data of enterprise profit, taxation and others under two different modes, In conclusion, provided raltionlization proposal of how to apply effectively to fair value measurement in investment real estate in China. 

Key Words:Fair Value   The Historical Cost   Measurement Model    Investment Real Estate