关键词:民营企业 内部控制 内部控制环境
ABSTRACT:With the deepening of economic reform, private enterprises have entered a period of rapid development; it has become our national economy to be reckoned with. Chongqing Municipality in such an environment, the private enterprises are constantly growing. However, due to the constant expansion of private enterprises, increasingly complex organizational structure, and internal management problems are also increasingly exposed. These problems are mainly due to private enterprise internal control system is not perfect and imperfect. The internal control environment as a basis for internal control, if there are significant deficiencies, the company's internal control system even if it is difficult to improve effective implementation.
In an increasingly competitive market environment, strengthen internal control, optimize resource allocation, increase economic efficiency and improve the internal control environment has become a business to improve management, an important way to achieve sustainable development. In this paper, the questionnaire form of private enterprises in Chongqing conducted a survey from the constituent elements of the internal control environment to start, I found that private enterprises in Chongqing Municipality is currently in the internal control environment problems and shortcomings, combined with private enterprises in Chongqing, the actual situation, put forward a sound internal control environment of private enterprise ideas.
Keywords:private enterprise;internal control;internal control environment