关键词:人力资源外包; 风险; 防范;
Abstract: With the refinement of the knowledge-based economic development and social division of labor, innovative enterprises to keep people concept has also undergone tremendous changes, based on this in an innovative way - human resource management outsourcing, and considered in this way has gradually become enterprises to improvean important means of core competitiveness. Through the successful implementation of outsourcing, companies can reduce operating costs, improve business performance and enhance the strategic value of the human resources department. However, in the implementation of human resources outsourcing, the enterprise is also facing many of the potential risks if the risk occurs when companies fail to provide the control scheme, it will cause a serious blow to the enterprise. Therefore, the risk of human resource management outsourcing of great significance to identify and establish an effective coping mechanism.
Key words: Human Resource Outsourcing; Risk; Prevention;