摘 要:物理学是一门以实验为基础的学科,对物理教学来说其重要方面之一是实验教学与理论教学相结合,因为通过实验可以更有效地让学生体验科学发展和知识形成的思想和方法。《新的课程标准》总体要求,就是要确立在学习中以“学生为主体”的地位,关注学生已有经验、兴趣爱好和特长。实现知识与技能、过程与方法、情感态度价值观为一体的教学目标。通过实验教学可以促进学生对物理概念和规律的理解,并且可以使学生学到如何去获取知识,因此在物理教学中实验处于非常重要的地位。探究性实验教学是在教师的指导下,由学生通过主动探索、主动思考、亲身体验而获得结论的一种教学方式。这种教学方式实质上是将科学领域的探究引入课堂,使学生通过类似科学家的探究过程来理解科学概念和规律。通过联系实际问题,培养学生的实践能力、创新精神、可持续发展和适应将来社会的生存能力。
关键词:物理 实验 探究
Abstract:Physics is a lab-based discipline. One of the important aspects of physical education is the combination of experimental teaching and teaching theory, because through the experiment, students can experience the ideas and methods of scientific development and the formation of knowledge more effectively. The general requirement of The New Curriculum Standard is to establish the dominant position of students, pay close attention to the experience students have had, interests and expertise, and eventually achieve the teaching objective of integrating knowledge and skills, processes and methods, and emotional attitude and values. Experimental teaching can promote students’ understanding of physical concepts and laws, and can enable students to master how to acquire knowledge, so in physics teaching experiment occupies a very important position. Exploring experimental teaching is a teaching method, in which students, under the guidance of teachers, obtain a conclusion through active exploration, active thinking and experience. Essentially, this teaching method brings scientific inquiry to the course, making students understand scientific concepts and laws through a similar process of scientists. By staying in contact with the practical problems, we should improve students’ ability of practice, innovation, sustainable development and viability of adapting to the future community.
Key words: Physics experiment explore