Abstract:In social communication, we can’t get rid of some unpleasant and embarrassing situation because of the different communicative environments and the distinctions in the real life, so people tend to choose an implicative way to express themselves to make the conversation become more smooth and proper. Euphemisms namely are mild, agreeable, or roundabout words used in place of coarse, painful, or offensive ones. As a linguistic phenomenon, it has its unique origin and formation, and abides by a certain development principle. It is also a cultural phenomenon at the same time, reflecting different conventions, customs and social psychology in China and the western countries. In fact, it is more a cultural phenomenon than a social linguistic one. With the social and the civilization development, euphemism accompanies the whole process of the social speech communication, performing a very strong communicative function.
As a common phenomenon in the process of language using, euphemism exists in all the different cultures. There are many different euphemisms in both English and Chinese. They seem similar, but they develop from different origins based on varied cultures. In order to know the special characteristics and the culture euphemism reflects, the definition, the origin, and the ways of formation are explored in the first part. Then the relationship between language, culture and euphemism is explained clearly and several major types of euphemism in English and Chinese are contrasted to manifest similarities and differences in the English and the Chinese culture in the second part. The communicative functions of euphemisms in English and Chinese, the communicative principles that restrict the use of euphemism, the social context that euphemism depends on in cross-cultural communication are analyzed in the last part.
In short, understanding the formation of euphemisms and the various cultures and distinctive ethical physiological features, and the proper use of euphemisms in different contexts are the leading factors that can influence the cross-cultural communication.
Key words: euphemism; culture; context; cross-cultural communication