ABSTRACT:Advertising plays an important role in society. We are surrounded by a lot of advertisements everyday. People’s daily life is influenced by all kinds of advertisements. With the development of society and economy, advertisements will go on influencing people. In order to attract buyers, advertisement must be persuasive.
As a form of communication, advertising has also been an object for study. It has been studied from different points of views, such as economics, psychology, sociology, as well as linguistics. The research is profound and inspiring.
Based on Grice (1975)’ Cooperative Principle and implicature, the paper uses case analysis method in order to analyze the phenomenon of violating the CP in cosmetic advertisements. After analyzing, the author finds that it is a main feature of advertising language to produce implicature by violating CP. Through violating the CP on purpose, implicature can be created and advertisements manage to catch people’s attention. The paper also finds that violation of Quality Maxim is most used in cosmetic advertisements. Properly violating Quality Maxim can make cosmetic advertisements novel and unique, so that customers’ are attracted. Most well-known brands violate Quantity Maxim to create their advertisements by not providing adequate information which can make people to further think. Violation of Manner Maxim and Relation Maxim are used in cosmetic advertisements. But it is not easy to create such kind of advertisements and difficult to handle the degree of relation or ambiguity properly.
Key words: Conversational Implicature Cooperative Principle Advertising
关键词:合作原则 广告 会话含义