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Abstract: With the emergence of cultural turn in translation studies, the study on the translator’s subjectivity in the West has made much progress. In China, the study of it also becomes a trend. Therefore, the study of translators’ subjectivity, the main subject of translation activities, appears to be of great importance. The Chinese classical prose, Zui Weng Ting Ji, is famous for its special glamour. Both domestic and foreign scholars translate it and study it from different perspectives. Through the detailed comparative study of two English versions of Zui Weng Ting Ji, this paper proves the translator’s subjectivity, as a sign of individual creativity of the translator, is natural and inevitable. Moreover, translation is more than a scientific transformation of languages but a working process where individual creativities are actively performed. 

Key Words: translator’s subjectivity; Zui Weng Ting Ji; comparative study


摘  要:随着翻译研究中“文化转向”的出现,西方关于译者主体性的研究取得了很大进步。国内对于译者主体性的研究也成为了一种趋势。因此,译者主体性的研究即翻译活动中的主体的研究显得尤为重要。《醉翁亭记》是中国的古典散文,因其独特的魅力而闻名。国内外学者从不同角度对其进行翻译。本文通过对《醉翁亭记》两个英译版本进行对比研究,证明了译者主体性作为译者个体的创造性是自然的,不可避免的。此外,也说明了翻译不是语言的科学地转换而是个体主动参与并发挥其创造性的活动过程。
