Abstract:Hemingway, one of famous 20th century American writers, uses his real experience as the basis of imagination and working materials. Many scholars have studied Hemingway’s African literatures remarkably and successfully, but many of these studies only focus on ecological awareness of Hemingway or critiquing the author’s limitations of racial ideology. This dissertation initiates a close reading of African images in Green Hills of Africa and The Snows of Kilimanjaro and uses imagology as the theoretical framework to explain the Africa images. The dissertation’s purpose is to understand the shift of African images in these two works.
In Green Hills of Africa, in the early days of hunting, Africa was a natural place for hunting. African lived as white’s servants. In the following days, however, African is more meaningful rather than a hunting place. Meanwhile, Hemingway started to cherish his attendants. While in The Snows of Kilimanjaro, natural Africa is a wonderful spiritual home. However, the ideology of capital imperial is rooted deeply in white’s hearts. Africans were living as servants. The nuances of the African images in these two works are embodying the shift of Hemingway’s views of the relationship of nature and human. In addition, Hemingway reexamines his attitude to African to expose the faults of traditional American culture.
Key words: Hemingway; imagology; Green Hills of Africa; The Snows of Kilimanjaro; Africa