Abstract:Guy de Maupassant was the most renowned writer in 19th century. His main achievements depend on its short story creation. His short stories achieved the artistic level. They are remarkable not only in French literature, but also in the world literary. His short stories had some kind of model significance, therefore, people called him the world’s king of short stories.
In this paper, through the art of comparison in Boule de Suif , we analyze the image between Boule de Suif and the others. At first, we compare Boule de Suif with the upper classes from the comparison of the characters’ image. And then we carry out the comparison of characters’ attitude. Finally, we find out the comparison between characters and circumstance, which deeply expressed the humanism of writer.
Generally speaking, we try hard to analyse the art of image from the contrastive angle of view. Using the art of comparison, we unearth the Maupassant unique artistic style, and the reason that namely Maupassant can become Maupassant’s whereabouts.
Key Words: artistic; art of comparison; characters’ image
摘要:居伊·德·莫泊桑,19世纪法国最著名的中短篇小说家。他的主要成就还是在于数量巨大的中短篇小说,这些中短篇小说所达到的艺术水平,不仅在法国文学中,而且在世界文坛上,都是卓越超群的,具有典范的意义,所以有人称他为 “世界短篇小说之王”。