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  • 更新时间:2013-10-11
  • 论文字数:6154
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ABSTRACT:Advertising has become an integral part of our life. A piece of good advertising message is the brand’s eye, which is very important for the products to stand in the invincible position in the fierce competition of the market and have a significant sense of keeping its advantage. Moreover, a piece of good advertising message attributes to building the image of the product and strengthening people’s brand awareness. In order to give consumers a profound impression, proper use of English rhetoric is very necessary. Advertising message as a special kind of language is very different from common language. It has its own features in morphology, syntax, and rhetorical devices. It includes the pun, parataxis, personification, rhyming and so on. This paper mainly discusses the features of rhetoric in English advertising language. It analyzes the definition, objectives, the requirements of rhetoric in advertising language, and the common skills of rhetoric. In order to give a clear understanding, the paper also selects some advertisements on its rhetoric and has a comprehensive analysis. The paper hopes that the finding of this dissertation can help people better appreciate the English advertisements and provide inspiration and help for the English advertisement design. 

Key Words: advertising English; rhetoric of English; the function and use of rhetoric





   Nowadays, we live in a world of advertisements. Everyday hundreds of thousands advertisements may impact our lives. They imply information of described products and services through various media, such as paper, TV, Internet and magazine. They play a fundamental and unparalleled role in our lives. They may affect our habits and values. Furthermore, Advertising provides us a valuable service and gives brief information of the product, making people quickly have some idea without too much effort. Furthermore, advertising can promote sales and profits by making people’s awareness of its brand and increasing its brand popularity. Finally, advertising is a means to broadcast charitable work. In another word, as the carrier of advertisement, the advertising language not only promotes products, but also arouses customers’ attention and stimulates their purchasing desire. Rhetorical charm of advertising message as a stimulating slogan lets consumers have a spiritual and visual enjoyment, at the same time, enhances consumers’ impression.

   In order to achieve a persuasive effect of advertisement, we should pay lots of attention to retain the original rhetoric styles. We must keep the principle of combination among language, culture and folklore vision as a starting point, using various rhetorical techniques to show products or convey the quality of the products, and through color, language, visual information and connotation to arouse the audience's interest, prompt consumers interests, and achieve an effect as possible as we can to impulse them to have purchasing desire, no matter when they hear, see or read the advertisement.