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  • 更新时间:2014-01-09
  • 论文字数:4303
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Abstract:The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is Mark Twain`s masterpiece. This novel tells the adventures about a little white boy Huck and a black slave Jim, who float down the Mississippi River together. Although the plot of the novel is not circuitous and weird, the simplicity of Twain’s expression is sincere and moving. Some critics pay more attention to the effect of slavery on Jim and the symbolic meanings of the Mississippi River. This paper, however, interprets the progress of the friendship between Huck and Jim, and analyzes the importance of the moral choice made by Huck toward the end of the novel. Besides, this paper also analyzes the problem of racial discrimination and the goodness of friendship in the book.

Key words: racial discrimination; friendship; moral choice


摘要:小说《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》是世界上最有名的作品之一。 小说讲述了白人小孩哈克和一个逃亡黑奴吉姆的历险经历,虽然故事看起来没有曲折百怪的情节,但是朴实真诚的语言和真实的主人公性格给读者带来了极大的震撼。在小说研究方面,不少学者致力于研究奴隶制对吉姆的影响以及密西西河的象征意义,但这篇论文主要研究主人公哈克从认识黑奴吉姆到最后决定帮助吉姆获得自由所做出的道德选择,同时侧面分析了小说中种族歧视问题,讴歌了小说中少数人的善良,友爱和相互帮助。

关键词: 种族歧视; 友爱; 道德选择


   This story happened in the mid of the late 19th century in an small town by the Mississippi River. At that time, the white control the power of the whole society, the black was under the control of the white. Although the fact that black was regarded as slaves has been abolished officially, the atmosphere keeps all the time. Huck and Jim are seeking a Utopia, where the black can enjoy the same rights with the white. Meanwhile, Huck and Jim are both running away from their crises. For Jim, the crisis is his destiny of a black slave, and for Huck, the crisis is his father who beats Huck every day. Their destination is to seek for a place where they can enjoy freedom.