ABSTRACT:Nowadays , the problem of 80’s NEET becomes more and more serious and it arouses some experts and sociologists’ attention to it. This paper attempts to analyze the life attitude of 80’s NEET from the aspects of work value, viewpoint of love and consumption concept in order to draw more attention of society and make people gain a good understanding about 80’s NEET . In the paper, 80’s NEET will be considered as the objects of study and the types and proportion of 80’s NEET will be concluded through the analysis of relevant researches of NEET by the method of case study. Additionally , this paper will analyze the reasons of the formation of the life attitude by combining Maslow’s hierarchy of need theory with typical cases. Then, some suggestions will be put made from the perspective of society and education to solve the problem of 80’s NEET.
Key words: 80’s NEET Life Attitude Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
摘要:目前我国80后“啃老”的问题越来越严重,社会对其的关注力加大。本文试图通过对80后“啃老族”生活态度的分析,引起社会对80后“啃老族”问题的正视,能更好得理解80后“啃老族”,从而得出更加适合解决80后“啃老族”问题的有效策略。 本文将以80后“啃老族”为研究对象,首先通过国内外有关“啃老族”现象的研究分析归纳出我国80后啃老族的类型和比例。其次本文将通过个案研究的方法,以交流的方式来收集信息,分析80后啃老族的工作观、爱情观和消费观,再运用马斯洛需求层次理论结合具有代表性的个案从工作观、爱情观和消费观几方面来研究80后成为“啃老族”的原因。然后,通过分析论证,从社会和教育两个方面,提出解决80后“啃老族”问题的对策。最后得出国家、家庭、以及各社会团体需要共同努力才能解决“啃老”问题。
关键字:80后啃老族 生活态度 马斯洛需求层次理论