Abstract:Language is the basic communication means in the world. As we all know, many countries, in the world, have their own languages. Without the same language which connects different people from different countries, therefore, can not a country contact other countries and even can not a person communicate with others. Nowadays, more and more students study English in China. However, only a part of students can be good at English, and even some students want to give up learning English. Therefore, there are individual differences among the students, even though they are in the same class, and taught by the same teacher. According to the situation, we can know that graded teaching method is the best choice, if we want to care about each one of the students, and hope each student can be interested in English.
This article introduces the graded English teaching method (GETM) clearly and briefly,which is based on the students’ study levels. Firstly, it explains the connotation of GETM. And then it analyses the necessity and implementation of GETM based on the theories of many famous educational experts and educational psychologists. However, GETM also has its own disadvantages. This article finds out those problems, and puts forward the requirements for teachers to solve those difficulties. The purpose of this article is to provide a good method for English education and make a contribution to improve the quality of English teaching system.
Key words: language; individual differences; the graded English teaching method (GETM); study levels