Abstract:With the globalization of the economic development, the international trade has become a very critical power for promoting the economy development of the whole world and every country. The brand name is of economic symbol. It is a powerful tool for the enterprise to participate in the competition campaign in the international market, and it plays a decisive function in the sales of the products. It is of cultural symbol. The brand name itself includes plentiful cultural connotation. Therefore, the brand name translation involves not only cross-lingual communication, but also cross-cultural communication. When brand names are translated from English into Chinese or vice versa, an adequate and appropriate conversion of cultural meanings can not only accurately reflect the product’s quality but arouse the customer’s cultural association so as to create the expected advertising effect and help publicize that the particular culture.
Starting with the cross-culture translation, this research wants to present some problems ixisting between brand name translation and culture through focusing on the characteristics of brand name, the principals and skills of brand name translation and some successful or unsuccessful cases in brand name translation. Finally the research aims to probe the significance of an appropriate conversion of cultural meanings in translation and the economical benefits it may help bring about.
Key words: brand name; translation; culture; reflections
关键词: 商标;翻译;文化;影响