Abstract:The style and the sentence structure of English patent are much the same as those of English for Science and Technology. Passive voice, a typical phenomenon in patent, which is also widely used in EST, is the main focus in the paper. As a special syntactic form, passive voice is believed to be constrained by some non-syntactic elements, including semantic constraints and textual constraints, which will be analyzed closely in the present research.
The paper will use the passive voice in English patent as examples to illustrate passive voice in ESP English. With regard to the aspect of semantic constraints, no need to show the agent, and to stress the result, are two main reasons why passive voice is used. concerning the aspect of textual constraints, passive voice can help keep sentences statements objective, build clear structure, and create coherence in a text. With all these characteristics, passive voice helps make an article concise, impersonal, and formative, which is accord with the function of English patent, and it is the reason why it is largely used by patent writers.
Key Words: Invention English patent; passive voice; objectivity