Abstract:After the first success of Adam Bede, George Eliot published her second masterpiece—The Mill on the Floss. It is the growth story of a girl—Maggie, who went through family care, friendship and love in a short life and finally died in a sudden flood with her brother. Because of the great influence from the Bible and Christianity, George Eliot adopts a lot of biblical archetypes in the novel consciously or unconsciously, which make the novel more moving and outstanding.
This thesis, adopting biblical archetypal analysis, has a systematic and close examination of archetypes in the fiction. It consists of three parts. The first chapter of the thesis introduces some basic concepts and theories of archetypal criticism, including the definition of archetypal criticism, its sources and development, and biblical archetypal criticism. The second chapter identifies and analyzes some biblical archetypes in The Mill on the Floss. This analysis is done in three aspects: image archetypes, character archetypes and narrative archetypes. The third chapter intends to explore the significance of the use of biblical archetypes. Through the above analysis, a conclusion can be safely made that the use of biblical archetypes reflects George Eliot’s strong religious sense and inner struggles.
Key words:George Eliot; archetype; image; narrative; character
本论文采用圣经原型的分析手法,系统而全面地考察了小说中的圣经原型, 一共包括三个部分。 第一章介绍了原型批评的一些基本概念和理论,包括原型批评的定义、来源和发展,以及圣经原型批评理论。第二章从三个方面分析了小说中的圣经原型:意象原型、人物原型和叙事原型。第三章试图探讨乔治·艾略特运用圣经原型所起到的意义。通过以上分析,可以得出以下结论:圣经中的原型的运用反映了乔治·艾略特强烈的宗教感和她的内心挣扎。