Abstract:Labeled as a “hermit poet”, Emily Dickinson totally wrote 1775 poems, among which 500 wrote about nature. As a prevailing idea of the 19th century in New England and advocated by Ralph Waldo Emerson, transcendentalism denied God and affirmed the divinity of human beings, and had a great influence upon Dickinson’s nature poems. This article tries to find out this influence by analysizing a few nature poems of Emily Dickinson’s.
Key words: Influence; Transcendentalism; Emily Dickinson; Nature Poems
摘要:被称为“隐逸诗人” 的美国女诗人艾米莉.狄金森一生中写了1775首诗,其中500首是写自然的。超验主义是由爱默生发起并盛行于十九世纪新英格兰的一种思想。超验主义否定上帝,肯定个人的神性,并对艾米莉.狄金森的自然诗创作产生了巨大的影响。本文通过分析几首狄金森的自然诗,以发现超验主义对其自然诗的影响。