Abstract:With the globalization of economy, more and more western cultures have been introduced into China, including T-shirts. T-shirts, with their comfortable texture and simple designs, become more and more popular in China and influence the Chinese people’s dress style to a large extent. Increasingly, English letters are printed on T-shirts to be a kind of fashion with the influence of western cultures. However, a closer observation reveals many problems in T-shirt English.
Since Reformation and opening, China attracts millions of foreigners every year, T-shirts, like public signs, which can send information to people in public. Healthy and tactful T-shirt English is important for China to create a good international language atmosphere. Therefore, problems on T-shirts to some extent tarnish the image of China as a great power in international exchanges.
This dissertation discusses the origin and history of T-shirts and the current situation of T-shirt English in China, classifies the problems of T-shirt English and proposes some solutions to the problems, so as to remind people of not producing and wearing T-shirt blindly and avoiding absurd English tarnish his or her image.
Key Words: T-shirt English; history; problem; solution
中文摘要:经济全球化,让越来越多的西方文化引进国门。T恤衫属其中之一,T恤衫以其舒适的质地,简约的设计风格在中国广泛地流行起来,且很大程度上影响了中国人的衣着风格。由于西方文化的影响, T恤衫上印上数字符也成为一种时尚,然而细细观察却发现这些T恤衫的英语存在不少问题。
改革开放,每年中国都将迎来成千上万的外国朋友, 而T恤衫就像公示语一样向人们传递多种信息。健康规范得体的T恤衫英语是中国建立良好国际语言环境的一个重要组成部分。T恤衫英语存在的诸多问题在某种程度上有损中国在国际交往中的大国形象。
关键词:T恤衫英语;历史; 问题; 解决方案