ABSTRACT:Alice Walker was the most famous black woman author in American literary world since 1970s. In her novel, she mainly showed the sympathy to black women who suffered a lot, and praised their revolting spirits and struggling personalities. The Color Purple was considered as her representative work and best novel, it mainly described the struggling process of black women how to rebel and win freedom under the double oppression of society and family. It also reflected on the black women’s revolt to the racial discrimination and oppression. This thesis takes Cilie in The Color Purple as an example and analyzes the whole process of women’s emancipation from three phases: encountering oppressions, raising to rebel and winning the emancipation, it also shows the influence on Alice Walker and her works.
Key words: Alice Walker; The Color Purple; Cilie; Women’s emancipation
摘 要:艾丽斯·沃克是二十世纪七十年代以来美国文坛最著名的黑人女作家之一,她的小说大多表现对黑人妇女苦难的同情,歌颂她们坚强不屈的性格以及奋发向上的精神。《紫色》是艾丽斯·沃克巅峰时期的作品,主要描写了黑人妇女西丽在遭受社会与家庭双重压迫的情况下奋起反抗,获得自由的斗争过程, 表现了黑人妇女勇于反抗歧视和压迫,敢于争取平等和独立的斗争精神。本文以 《紫色》中的女主人公西丽为例,从遭受压迫,开始觉醒及勇于反抗,直至获得解放三个阶段来分析妇女解放的整个历程,分析其对作者及作品的影响。
关键词:艾丽斯·沃克; 紫色;西丽;妇女解放