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Abstract:The cultures between Chinese and western are distinguished by a rather large scale. This not only means the opinions or ways of thinking are different, but also shows peoples behaviours in daily life are different, sometimes even the opposite.

   Clothing is as important as food and beverages, because you will see the ever-changing attire instead of a person who never wears clothes. On the other hand, as a social and cultural pattern, clothes not only reveals a nation’s material and spiritual civilization, but also reflects the people’s mental and emotional activities, being permeates in our daily lift.

   As a fact, Chinese and Western clothing cultures have formed their own clothing system in their own social environment. By now, life style is becoming more and more similar due to the development of economy and technology, as well as the global integration of commercial trade. Fashion is also following this trend. Western people are deeply impressed by rising China. This influence is easy to be found in Chinese clothing culture combined in Western designs.

Key words: culture; fashion; development


