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Abstract:Individualism can not equal to egoism in the American culture. Basically, Americans agree with the individualism with a very positive attitude. Individualism constitutes the basic characteristics and main content of United States, which gives the most eloquent, definite and true ideological interpretations of America. American individualism originated from the rational principles and personal independence of Puritanism. During the development of American political and cultural, it not only became the starting point and outcome of American Democratic Thought, but also became the core of human values of American people. Individualism has affected every aspect of American social culture, even personal life style that developed along with change and progress, though, it causes negative impact sometimes. Individualism is one of the main tenets of American community. There is a sacred significance of individualism which is going for the personal interests and independence. Person’s ultimate value is individual's life and happiness. If you couldn’t understand the individualism that means you won’t realize the politics, society and culture of America. This paper is going to analyze the individualism in detail first; and then reveals both its advantages and disadvantages; and what impacts brings to American society and culture last.

Key Words:Individualism; America; society


中文摘要:美国文化中的个人主义与利己主义不能划上等号. 本质来说,美国人是以非常赞同的态度去看待个人主义的。因为个人主义构成了美国文化模式的基本的特征和主要内容,它是最雄辩地,实在地,真正地表述了美国思想,它所包含的内涵与外延是真正扎根于美国本土的。美国的个人主义源自请教主义的理性原则,源自清教主义对个人自主的追求。在美国政治文化发展的过程中,它成为美国民主思想的出发点与归宿,成为美国关于人的价值的核心。它深刻地影响美国社会文化,甚至是个人的生活习惯,都不同程度地带来了变化和进步,尽管有时会产生负面影响。它仍以美国文化的美德存在着并进步着。个人主义是美国文化的一个主要信条。以追求个人利益和自主的个人主义在美国几乎有一种神圣的意义。个人就是目的本身,终极的价值就是个人的生命和幸福。不了解个人主义,就无法理解美国的政治、社会与文化。在论文中,先详细的分析个人主义,再地揭示美国个人主义的利与弊,以及它对美国社会文化所带来的影响。

关键词: 个人主义;美国;社会