Abstract:Ahab, one of the main characters of the novel- Moby Dick, is a heroic character whose life is a tragedy. The characteristics of him predestine his tragic end. In the assay, I am going to analyze his characteristics and expatiate the causes of the tragic end. Ahab, a character with a controversial duality, has to suffer from the loneness so as to accomplish his will. However, Moby Dick is not really the “root of evil”, the desire of revenge distort Ahab’s sense and make him believe in the misunderstanding of good and evil, which lead to the tragic end of himself. At the same time, Ahab wants to pursue the incomprehensibility with his limited cognitive capacity, leading to the tragic end of him and other sailors. The tragic ending of Ahab that caused by his madness, monomaniac, desire of revenge, immorality, extreme personality serves us a warning -Killing and destroying can only bring the mutually assured destruction of good and evil. At the same time, Ahab innocently believes that he can conquer the world. However, the author expatiate that the relationship between the nature and human beings is not adverse, meaning that the human beings and nature can coexist in harmony. Ahab’s crankiness of defeating the avatar of mighty nature Moby Dick will definitely end in tragedy. As human beings, we should bear a sense of respect in heart for what is beyond our capacity of cognition, tolerate different opinions and assume due moral responsibility so as to survive, to develop, and to realize self-perfection and self- transcendence.
Key words: Ahab, characteristics, tragedy
摘要:白鲸中的主角亚哈船长是一个充满悲剧色彩的人物。 他的性格特点注定了他悲惨的命运。 在论文中, 我将分析他性格的特点来阐述他悲剧的种种原因。亚哈是一个充满矛盾的人物,他必须要独自战斗来实现自己的目标。 白鲸其实并不是他所谓的“罪恶之源” ,他的心已经被复仇的欲望所扭曲,从而产生了对于善与恶的曲解,这预示着他悲剧命运的必然性。与此同时,亚哈不顾一切的用他有限的认知力想去了解一切不可知, 这导致了他自己和船员的灭亡。 亚哈性格中的疯狂,偏执,极端给我们敲响了警-杀戮和毁灭不光佉除了恶,于此同时人性的善良也随着恶而逝去。只有惩恶扬善才能实现和谐。亚哈还错误的认为他可以成为自然的主宰,其实自然与人类并不是敌对的关系,两者并不非得对立,两者可以和谐共存。亚哈不顾一切的想要摧毁自然的化身-白鲸注定了他悲剧的命运。作为人,我们应该时刻记住我们对于超过人类认知力的东西我们应该尊敬,允许不同观点的存在,履行应有的道德准则, 这样我们才能生存,发展,实现自我优化和升华。