Abstract:Virginia Woolf, as one of the modernist writers has won big literary achievement. Her thoughts have represented the center of literary works in a time. Her concentration on space consistency in time is very profound. Evidence could be found in each of the novels which contain diversified time-frames. Moreover, her understanding about space consistency in time is in line with Bergson's psychological time. Therefore, this thesis made Mrs. Dalloway as the research subject and analyzed the significance of parallel characters in space, in a way to raise its height to the understanding of the importance of parallel characters in the “time - space consistency - life “dimension.
Key words: Parallel figures; Consistency; Life; Space
中文摘要:弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫是现代主义作家中文学成就最大的作家之一,其思想代表了一个时代文学作品的中心。她对“时间”中空间一致性的关注极为深刻,在她的每一部小说里,对时间框架的多样化处理足以证明这一点,而且她对时间中空间一致性的体悟和柏格森的“心理时间”有殊途同归之处, 因而本论文以《达洛维夫人》小说为论述对象,分析了平行人物在空间层面的意义,并将之上升到其对“时间——空间一致——生命”理解方式的高度来论证。