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Abstract:In capitalist society, the difference between the rich people and the poor people is obvious. Strike reflects a competition between two great classes, sometimes it reflects a political struggle, sometimes it refers to economic and social problems. In Germinal, the strike launched by the workers ended up with failure. This study aims to reveal more causes to the failure of the strike through the analysis of the main characters and the social background. The analysis results show the story happened in a time when Anarchism and Utopianism were popular all over the whole society, and Bender, as the representative of the Intentional Working Men’s Association, and the leader of the strike even hold the thought of Utopianism. There is not a workable guidance in his mind, the strike ended up with failure eventually because of many causes. 

Key words: Strike;Realism;Anarchism;Utopianism;Naturalism


摘 要:在资本主义社会里,富人跟穷人之间的差距很明显。罢工集中反映了资本主义社会的两大阶级——资产阶级和无产阶级尖锐的政治斗争,还体现了两大阶级在经济和社会领域的斗争。《萌芽》中的罢工是以失败告终的,本研究主要是通过分析主要人物的性格特征以及当时的社会背景去了解更多关于罢工失败的原因。分析结果表明:故事发生的时代空想主义和无政府主义盛行,而主人公贝蒂安就有那种空想主义思想,他是这场罢工的领导者,但是他没有一个正确的指导思想,因为有很多方面的原因使这场罢工最终以失败而告终。

关键词:罢工;现实主义 ;空想主义 ;无政府主义;自然主义