Abstract:Religious festivals are precious culture heritage of different countries, so different religious festivals reflect different cultures. However, the translation of religious festivals is a very challenging task. For different translators,the same festival will show different names. Of course, what we need is to know its traits in order to have a deeper understanding for religious spirit. The translation of religious festivals is possible because of the communication between different cultures. On the basis of analyzing the translation principles of religious festival names, the author wants to conclude the translation methods for religious festivals, particularly taking Corban as a case in order to explain that free translation is a better way for the translation of religious festivals.
Key Words: Religions Festival; Corban; Translation; Method;
摘 要:每个国家每个民族都有自己特定的节日。今天,越来越多的外国节日传入中国并受到中国人的推崇。在这些节日中,有很大一部分是和宗教相关的,它们的名称虽然只要寥寥几个字,但往往具有特殊的背景和意义,在翻译的时侯要特别注意。总之,宗教节日名称是一项具有挑战性的工作。本文首先阐述宗教节日名称的翻译原则,其次深入探讨宗教节日名称的翻译方法,重点对比音译、直译、意译的优劣,认为大部分宗教节日名称的翻译宜采用意译法。论文进一步以作者熟知的古尔邦节为例,尝试把古尔邦节意译为忠孝节,让受儒家文化熏陶的中国人对古尔邦节的主题内涵便一目了然。