Abstract:This paper mainly studies the usages and the translation of English honorifics with a particular focus on the application of English honorifics in daily life and euphemistic expressions. There are three sections about honorifics. First the paper discusses the phenomenon and usages of honorifics in official occasions and in daily life. Then it studies the euphemisms, which are also a form of honorifics and are often used to avoid taboos. Moreover, this paper also discusses the style and strategies of translation between English honorifics and Chinese ones. Finally the paper provides a few examples to analyze the differences in the translation between the English and Chinese honorifics.
Key words: honorific, euphemistic expression, translation
摘要:本文主要对英语敬语的使用和翻译进行了一个研究, 其中特别探讨了敬语在日常英语中的应用以及委婉表达的使用。本论文分三部分来探讨敬语。 首先,论文研究了敬语在日常生活中和官方场合的使用情况。其次,本文探讨了作为敬语的一种形式的委婉语,其作用为避免使用禁忌语。此外,本论文还探讨了中英文敬语互译时的文体和翻译策略。最后,本文列举了一些例子来分析两种中文敬语和英文英语在翻译时的差异。
关键词:敬语, 委婉表达, 翻译