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  • 更新时间:2014-09-17
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Abstract:The most important reason for Jane Eyre’s success is that, it creates a female character who has rebellious spirit and dares to fight for freedom and equality. With its beauty both mentally and morally, this novel attracts millions of readers. Because of that, many people called it the model of female literature. Thereupon, Charlotte Bronte has been researched by people as a writer with feminist consciousness for hundreds of years. In this article, i choose the features of female literature' in Jane Eyre as the topic so as to have a better understanding about the connotation and realistic significance of this book, at the same time, to have further acquaintance of other female literatures in that period of time. Jane Eyre and the heroin Jane Eyre are not only of great significance to the development of English literature and world’s literature, but also have very positive influence to women’s mental healthy and self-improvement. In a manner of speaking, Jane Eyre is a momentous milestone in the history of female literature.

Key words: Female Literature; Jane Eyre; Charlotte Bronte; Features of Female Literature



