Abstract:With the development of international communication and increase in cosmetic marketing, the trademark translation, the representative of cosmetics, is becoming more and more necessary and significant. The fulfillment of the function of the trademark translation is closely related with the cultural background. As to the trademark translation, many principles and approaches has been used, in which the domestication and foreignization are the most contrast. [1] In Germany Schleiermacher’s words: here are only two methods of translating, either the translator does not bother the original author and leads the reader to approach the author or the translator tries not to bother the reader and leads the original author to approach the reader. [2] Foreignization used in trademark translation can help people cross cultural border and cultivate the translational awareness. Domestication used in trademark translation can make the trademark more acceptable and understanding, so as to promote the sale of the commodity. Accordingly, the thesis will provide with some information about the advertisement translation, including its features, rules, influencing factors and so on. Chapter one introduces the main idea of the whole thesis in a general way. Chapter two will make a introduction of domestication and foreignization. Chapter three illustrates the value and importance of the trademark and discusses the practical use of domestication and foreignization in trademark translation for cosmetic. Chapter four summarizes three aesthetic principles of trademark translation. Chapter five gets the conclusion of the whole paper.
Keywords: cosmetics; trademark; translation; domestication; foreignization; aesthetics
摘要:随着世界各国化妆品品牌交流日益频繁,欧美化妆品销售在全球范围内不断扩张, 大批欧美化妆品如潮水般涌入中国化妆品市场。中国作为发展大国,人民生活水平不断提高,消费观念与时俱进,市场拥有无限潜力。中国消费者在选购欧美化妆品的时候,除了考虑到这些化妆品是否拥有优良的品质、合理的价格、精美的包装之外,一个好的商标译名绝对是他们首先关注的。一个商标名如同一个人的名字, 是代表这个商品的特殊语言符号。商标名的翻译是商品在他国的再“取名”, 主要目的是引起消费者注意和兴趣, 从而刺激他们的购买欲, 其重要性可以说是不言而喻。商标名的翻译不同于其他文字形式的翻译, 有其自身的特点。本文将从大量实例中对欧美化妆品品牌的汉译进行初步探讨。通过举证一些已经成功打入中国市场的欧美化妆品商标的译名的案例,研究“归化”“异化”中的音意结合、意译、不译、音译等几种常用的化妆品品牌的翻译技巧。一般说来,当商标的基本概念在来源语与目的语文化中相一致的时候,商标原来的意象、概念和风味应予以保留,即采用异化翻译法;而当商标的概念在两种文化中产生文化差异时,翻译者应当尊重目的语市场中的文化,采用归化翻译法将商标翻译成目的语市场的语言。同时本文也试分析在欧美化妆品翻译中运用归化和异化翻译策略中应考虑的美学原则。
关键词:化妆品;商标; 翻译;归化;异化;美学