Abstract: This article focuses on the advertising English and aims to discuss how to fully embody the role of metaphor in advertising English. In order to understand advertising English better and know the true intention by the merchant’s, this article highlights and analyzes the using, features and translation methods of metaphors in advertising English. With the better understanding of the metaphors in advertising English, we can improve our comprehensive English ability.
Key words: advertising English; metaphor; rhetoric
摘要:本文以广告英语作为中心,以广告英语中的隐喻修辞为题来探讨如何能将隐喻的修辞作用在广告英语中发挥的淋漓尽致。本文通过突出介绍和分析广告英语中隐喻的运用,特点和翻译方法,旨在使大家对广告英语有更进一步的了解,以便更好地理解英语广告,了解商家的真实意图。深入地了解广告英语中的修辞, 可以很好的提升我们的英语综合水平。