Abstract: The thesis aims at analyzing the main writing style of Hemingway through his novel The Old Man and the Sea. Iceberg theory, which Hemingway propounds and employs in his literary works, interests many readers and critics in the world. Besides, praised by a famous writer as “the most excellent simple article in this generation”, symbolism is another typical writing style in this novel. Hemingway uses symbol to give the reader a better look and an easier understanding of what the book is about. The use of symbolism in the novel gives them deeper meaning sort of like a lesson. Hemingway places symbol, leaving the reader to look deeper into the obvious plot of the works. This paper concludes that in The Old Man and the Sea, Hemingway’s main writing style is demonstrated at its mightiest and it is worthy to be studied further.
Key words: iceberg theory; symbolism; Hemingway
关键词:冰山原理 象征手法 海明威