Abstract: Wedding ceremony, no matter in China or western countries, is very holy and significant. But the wedding culture varies from country to country due to cultural differences. This paper firstly discusses the differences between Chinese and western wedding culture in terms of traditional wedding customs, choice of color, atmosphere over the wedding ceremony, bride’s dress and receptions, and then discusses the cultural factors that result in these differences. Through the analyses, this paper aims to promote the cultural communication between China and the western countries.
Key words: Chinese wedding culture, western wedding culture, cultural differences
摘要:婚礼,无论在中国还是西方国家都是非常神圣和重要的。不同国家的文化背景差异导致了各国婚俗文化不尽相同。本论从传统婚俗, 婚礼主色调,婚礼总体气氛,新娘着装和婚宴等方面探讨中西方婚俗文化的差异,以及造成这些差异的原因,从而更好地促进中西方的文化交流。