Abstract:There are many scholars at home and abroad who have taken the researches on the contrast of the colour words in English and Chinese, but most of them are studying on many kinds of colours and only few of them focus on one kind of the colours. Jin Yu (金瑜) has studied the colour word “white” and published the thesis named “The Contrast of Culture Connotation of the Colour Word ‘BAI’ and ‘White’ in Chinese and English”, but it only focuses on the connotations and translations.
This paper involves comprehensively the colour word “white”, not only focuses on its connotations and translations but also on its culture meaning and something involving the colour word “white”, so as to have comprehensive knowledge of the colour word “white” in Chinese and English. From the study, we can broaden our cultural vision and improve our interest in English.
Key Words: White; Culture; Connotation; Funeral Affairs