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  • 更新时间:2014-11-13
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Abstract:To meet the need for bilingual personnel after our country’s entry to the World Trade Organization, bilingual(Chinese-English) teaching has gained its popularity in more and more schools across China. As a new avenue to improve foreign language teaching and learning, bilingual teaching has also caused arguments among educators and the public. Should schools in China adopt bilingual teaching? How will bilingual schooling effect the development of our children? Should bilingual teaching become an effective way to achieve foreign language proficiency and to implement quality-oriented education? What suitable models should we choose to conduct bilingual schooling in a Chinese context .Faced with these issues, I firmly believe that schools should take bilingual teaching. The thesis is expected to provide a practical evidence for parents to consider whether it is appropriate to send their children to the bilingual elementary schools. Hopefully it can also provide some suggestions for the curriculum administrators when making policy decision.

Key words:bilingual personnel; bilingual teaching; practical


摘要:随着我国加入WTO和申奥的成功,为国际化、网络化社会培养大批高素质双语人才已成为教育面临的一项迫切任务,以汉英两种语言作为教学媒介语的双语教学正在成为基础教育改革和发展中的一个热点问题。 我国中小学能否实施双语教学?双语教学对中小学生会产生哪些影响?双语教学能否成为基础教育阶段一门外语基本过关和实现素质教育目标的一种有效途径?在我国现有语言环境和师资条件下,如何有效实施中小学双语教学?这些问题是双语教学引发争议的焦点,也是本研究的出发点。本研究的意义在于:为我国还在考虑是否应该送自己的孩子们去上双语学校的父母提供一些参考,同时也为我国中小学实施双语教学的可行性提供佐证,为课程管理者和教育行政部门的决策提供一些建议。
