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  • 更新时间:2014-12-18
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ABSTRACT:This thesis is to focus on proving that Tess was responsible for the murder for her life and her tragedy through analysis based on Cattell’s theory of personality trait. Giving 16PF TEXT to Tess made the weakness in her personalities and factors appear. It also made a deep analysis on her 11 obvious personality factors along with her 16 factors. There came 4 weak traits leading up to her destruction: ignorance to feudalism and a male dominated society, self-sacrifice to her poor family and her parasite and selfish parents, recklessness to believe and kill Alec, and an infatuation with dreaming Angel’s dream. In addition to these things, those 4 weak personality traits gave a prominent step to prove Tess killed herself.

Key words: Tess’ Personality and Tragedy;16PF TEXT;deadly personality 


