Abstract:Nowadays, with the continuous development of the communication between China and Western countries, Western food culture especially the “Fast Food Culture” symbolized by McDonald’s, KFC and Pizza Hut which are widely appreciated by consumers, has become part of the Chinese natives’ dietary life. Influenced and inspired by the popularity of Western food culture, Chinese dietary enterprisers have gradually changed the traditional methods of management into the current ones. In this paper, the writer is going to introduce the Chinese and Western food cultures, discuss the differences between Chinese and Western food cultures, and take Kiessling and McDonald’s as examples to describe the current phenomenon and effects of Western dinners and Western fast food in China, in order to draw a conclusion on some inspirations to Chinese dietary enterprisers by Western food culture, according to choice of the location for operation, improvement of service, adaptation to consumers of different ages, and learning from Western cooking yet preserving of native dietary features.
Key words: Western food culture; Chinese food culture; differences; Western dinners; Western fast food; inspirations
关键词: 西方饮食文化;中国饮食文化;差异;西式正餐;西方快餐;启示