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  • 更新时间:2015-02-05
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Abstract:The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn written by Mark Twain is a classic book which influences the value of several generations of America. The sense of anti-hero and anti-racism which is reflected in this novel, and the respect of individual values and real life style, shows its unique charm and deep connotation. This paper aims at Mark Twain's writing style of black humor. In witnessing and analysing the horrible incidents and cruelties in the novel, Twain reveals his dissatisfaction to the society on that time and his salute to the individual values. This paper focuses the contrary between the hypocritical aspect of the town and the frankness of Huckleberry Finn through the sense of black humor. Twain expresses his intensive dissatisfaction through a humorous way, Huck's unique view and the description of the environment of the town. Twain creates a new way of black humor boldly in that time that romanticism is very popular to satirize the contradiction and unfairness of the society at that time. The main significance of this paper is the expression of his realistic viewpoint through the analysis of the black humor used in Huckleberry Finn. It contains realistic significance.


摘要:马克·吐温(Mark Twain)的《哈克贝利·芬历险记》(The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn)是影响当代美国几代人价值观的经典读本。其中所反映出的反对浪漫主义与英雄主义,崇尚强调个人价值和真实社会生活的观点在一个以浪漫主义为主旋律,种种现象有待改进的社会更显其独特韵味与深邃内涵。本文将从马克·吐温黑色幽默手法着手,分析吐温的遣词造句,揭示吐温对当时社会的不满和对个人价值的重视。本文的关注点在于作品中通过黑色幽默的艺术形式所反映出的社会的虚伪一面与哈克的真性情的对比。吐温在《哈克贝利·芬历险记》一书中用诙谐的方式,通过对哈克所在小镇社会环境的描写,以哈克的独特视角展示了他对当时社会黑暗面的强烈不满。吐温在当时浪漫主义大行其道的社会背景下大胆创新,运用黑色幽默的形式讽刺了当时世风的矛盾不公。本文重点解决的问题和选题意义在于通过对《哈克贝利·芬历险记》的文本解读,阐述吐温所追求的现实主义观点,探讨现代人的生活观念,具有一定的现实意义。