Abstract:The cultural communication nowadays on which translation is based did not exactly equal among the relevant sides. Thus, the “hybridity” in the target language after the text was translated is inevitable, in which the strategies of domestication and foreignization on which translation theories are holding their views are disputing relatively, because “hybridity” can embody the characteristics of both the source language and target language, or the product of the two. This paper, under the “hybrid globally” in translation, made a series of analyses on the theoretical appearance in its inevitability and significance in the process of translation as well as the communication between the Chinese and foreign cultures.
The study focused on Chinese and English, the two different languages in the aspects of pronunciation, spelling and structure and second on the ways of thinking where Chinese people attach great importance to ethics, integrity, and lay a particular stress on synthetic and intuition and where contrarily British and American people pay attention to cognition and individuality, and lay a particular stress on analytic thinking and evidence. The gaps between the two languages thus make “hybridity” translation inevitable. Besides, the specific qualities of “hybridity” in literary translation works were shown in lexicality, syntax and culture.
All above result concerning “hybridity” plays an important role in cultural exchanges and globally cultural ecology. What’s more, the right attitude the translators should take, and the process of translation were simply introduced and the paper signified that people should overcome narrow national consciousness and deal with the different cultures tolerantly and appropriately.
Keywords: literature translation hybridity manifestation
Chapter One One Introduction-1
1.1 The Background and Aims of the Thesis-1
1.2 The Structure of the Thesis-1
Chapter Two The Literature Review-3
2.1 The Overview of Hybridity-3
2.2 The Review on Hybridity Study in Literary Translation-3
Chapter Three Analyses on Hybridity in English-Chinese Literary Translation-5
3.1 Inevitability of Hybridity-5
3.1.1 The Essential Differences between Chinese and English Languages-5
3.1.2 The Different Thinking Ways between Chinese and English-7
3.2 Manifestations of “Hybridity”-8
3.2.1 Lexical Differences-8
3.2.2 Syntax Differences-10
3.2.3 Cultural Differences-11
3.3 The Significances of the Hybridity Study-13
3.3.1 The Cross-cultural Communication-13
3.3.2 The Culture Ecology-13
Chapter Four Conclusion-15